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This program is supported by MEXT’s scientific technology human resource development fee grant, "Program to Disseminate Tenure Tracking System".

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Home > Introduction of our tenure-track faculties > Hirahara Suguru

Introduction of our tenure-track faculties

Hirahara Suguru

Affiliation Institute of Agriculture
Division Division of Environment Conservation
Research field Forest Policy
Keyword(S) Natural resource management, governance, park
Research experience

・Apr. 2013– Mar. 2020: Staff, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
・Apr. 2020– Mar. 2022: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Bioindustry, Tokyo University of Agriculture
・Apr. 2022– present: Assistant Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Educational background

・Apr. 2007– Mar. 2011: Department of Ecoregion Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
・Apr. 2011– Mar. 2013: Department of Environment Conservation, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
・Apr. 2014- Sep. 2018: Department of Symbiotic Science of Environment and Natural Resources, United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


・Mar. 2015: Student Paper Award, The Japanese Forest Economic Society
・Mar. 2018: Student Paper Award, The Japanese Forest Economic Society

Selected papers and publications

・Hirahara, S. (2021) Evaluation of a Structure Providing Cultural Ecosystem Services in Forest Recreation: Quantitative Text Analysis of Essays by Participants. Forests 12(11), 1–15
・Hirahara, S. (2020) Regeneration of Underused Natural Resources by Collaboration Between Urban and Rural Residents: A Case Study in Fujiwara District, Japan. International Journal of the Commons 14(1), 173–190

Research Description

Forests and their related landscapes are vital for ecological services such as supplying lumber, maintaining biodiversity, and providing recreational sites. However, the multiplicity of stakeholders involved often elicits conflicts of interest when setting management plans or implementing policies and presents complexities that need to be better considered in the case of protected areas, especially in forested Japanese national parks.
Such intricacies indicate that sustainable natural resource management demands thorough comprehension about human–nature interactions aside from the environment itself. The governance of resources should be a social system wherein there is a consensus building approach to natural resource management by various parties such as governments, local residents, citizens, private operators, and others. As I have pursued governance studies within the context of resource conservation and sustainable resource use, I intend to contribute to solving institutional and social conservation challenges from the standpoint of policy sciences.
In terms of relevant research experience, I have previously conducted studies on civic participation in natural resource management using social research methods, and I intend to conduct future investigations that focus on forest recreational spaces such as natural and urban parks while making use of my practical experience as a landscape engineer.

About TUAT's tenure-track program

Although there is inherent pressure from the necessity of achieving results within a certain timeframe, I am grateful for having received time and sufficient research funding. I will therefore steadily implement my research plan to take advantage of this opportunity and these circumstances.

Future aspirations

In addition to continuing to achieve research results as a tenure-track faculty member, I intend to, as a graduate of TUAT, help my students gain beneficial experiences through research. Simultaneously, I hope that my research will contribute to the practices of natural resource management.