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This program is supported by MEXT’s scientific technology human resource development fee grant, "Program to Disseminate Tenure Tracking System".

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Home > Introduction of our tenure-track faculties > Shimamoto Yuma

Introduction of our tenure-track faculties

Shimamoto Yuma

Affiliation Institute of Agriculture
Division Division of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering
Research field Agricultural engineering,Material Science,Non-destructive testing engineering
Keyword(S) Acoustic emission, Agricultural residue, Damage
Research experience

・Apr. 2018.4-Aug. 2021:Assistant Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University
・Sep. 2021-Present:Assistant Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Educational background

・Mar. 2013:Bachelor of Agriculture at Niigata University
・Mar. 2015:Master of Agriculture at Niigata University
・Mar. 2018:Doctor of Agriculture at Niigata University

Selected papers and publications

・Shimamoto, Y. and Suzuki, T. (2019) Recycle of Rice Husk into Agro-Infrastructure for Decreasing Carbon Dioxide, Paddy and Water Environment, 17(3): 555-559.
・Shimamoto, Y. and Suzuki, T. (2020) Damage Evaluation of Heavily Cracked Concrete by Initial AE Energy Parameter, Advanced Experimental Mechanics, 5: 122-127.
・Suzuki, T. and Shimamoto, Y. (Ohtsu, M. Edit.) (2020) Chapter 1: Damage evaluation in concrete materials by acoustic emission, Acoustic Emission and Related Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques in the Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, Wood Head Publishing, UK, pp. 1-18.

Research Description

In recent years, the deterioration and damage in agricultural infrastructures has become apparent. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the degree of damage. I try to research on the development of a damage evaluation method that combines information technology and non-destructive testing methods for the damaged agricultural infrastructures. I’m monitoring the fracture behavior using the acoustic emission (AE) method.
When considering the renewal of agricultural infrastructures, the viewpoint of environmental friendliness, such as the provision of habitats for living organisms and carbon neutrality, will become increasingly important. I try to develop environmentally friendly materials using rice husks and rice straw, which are agricultural residues.
I would like to contribute to sustainable agricultural production by realizing precise material design.

About TUAT's tenure-track program

The tenure-track system provides start-up research grants and a substantial support system. I feel that it is a very favorable environment for young researchers. Another attractive point of the tenure-track system is that it allows young researchers to connect with professors in other fields through the regular exchange meetings among tenure-track faculty members.

Future aspirations

I would like to express my gratitude for the valuable opportunity of the tenure-track system. I would like to devote myself to my research so that I can contribute to society as much as possible.