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ブランジェ ジュリアン エリク スタニスラス (BOULANGE Julien Eric Stanislas)

研究院 農学研究院
部門 国際環境農学部門
研究分野 環境変動モデル
キーワード 水門、水-食品ネクサス、グローバルな持続可能性

・2013年04月-2016年03月:東京農工大学 ポスドク
・2016年04月-2017年03月:明治大学 ポスドク
・2017年03月-2022年03月:国立環境研究所 気候変動適応センター 特別研究員
・2022年04月-2022年08月:芝浦工大学 准教授
・2022年09月-現在:東京農工大学 農学研究院 国際環境農学部門 准教授


・2005年07月:Lycée Félix Le Dantec, Math specialty, Lannion, France卒業
・2007年07月:Ecole Préparatoire PTSI, Lycée Vauban, Brest, France修了
・2009年09月:Grenoble Institute of Technology, Polytech Grenoble, Grenoble, France, engineer degree修了
・2013年03月:東京農工大学大学院連合農学研究科 博士課程 修了


・2011年:「奨学金」ローヌ=アルプ地域圏 フランス
・2012年:「ポスタ賞」IUPAC学会 中国
・2012年:「論文賞」農薬学会“Probabilistic assessment of herbicide runoff from Japanese rice paddies: The effects of local meteorological conditions and site-specific water management”


・Satoh, Y., Yoshimura, K., Pokhrel, Y., Kim, H., Shiogama, H., Yokohata, T., Hanasaki, N., Wada, Y., Burek, P., Byers, E., Schmied, H. M., Gerten, D., Ostberg, S., Gosling, S. N., Boulange J., Oki T., “The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change”, Nature Communications, 13 3287 (2022)
・Gassman, P. W., Jeong, J., Boulange, J., Narasimhan, B., Kato, T., et al., “Simulation of rice paddy systems in SWAT: A review of previous applications and proposed SWAT+ rice paddy module”, International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 15(1), 1–24 (2022)
・Modi, P., Hanasaki, N., Yamazaki, D., Boulange, J., Oki, T., “Sensitivity of subregional distribution of socioeconomic conditions to the global assessment of water scarcity”, Communications Earth Environment, 144 (2022)
・Yoshida, T., Hanasaki, N., Nishina, K., Boulange, J., Okada, M., Troch, P. A., “Inference of Parameters for a Global Hydrological Model: Identifiability and Predictive Uncertainties of Climate-Based Parameters”, Water Resources Research, 58(2), (2022)
・Yunus, A. P., Masago, Y., Boulange, J., Hijioka, Y., “Natural and anthropogenic forces on suspended sediment dynamics in Asian estuaries”, Science of The Total Environment, 836, 155569 (2022)
・Kassaye, K. T., Boulange, J., Kurebito, S., Tokunari, T., Saito, H., Watanabe, H., “The role of biochar in improving soil properties, water retention and potato yield in a Fluvisol under temperate monsoon climate”, Soil Use and Management, 38(1), 1069-1083 (2022)
・Pokhrel, Y., Felfelani, F., Satoh, Y., Boulange, J., Gädeke, A., et al., “Global Terrestrial Water Storage and Drought Severity under Climate Change”, Nature Climate Change, 11, 226–233 (2021)
・Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J., Do, H. X., Gosling, S. N., Grillakis, M. G., et al., “Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to climate change”, Science, 371(6534), 1159–1162 (2021)
・Tu, L. H., Boulange, J., Phong, T. K., Thuyet, D. Q., Watanabe, H., Takagi, K., “Predicting rice pesticide fate and transport following foliage application by an updated PCPF-1 model,” Journal of Environmental Management, 277 111356 (2021)
・Mark, A. D. C., Nakamura, S., Hanasaki, N., Boulange, J., “Integrated Evaluation of Changing Water Resources in an Active Ecotourism Area: The Case of Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines”, Sustainability, 13(9) 4826 (2021)
・Satoh, Y., Shiogama, H., Hanasaki, N., Pokhrel, Y., Boulange, J., et al., “A quantitative evaluation of the issue of drought definition: a source of disagreement in future drought assessments”, Environmental Research Letters, 16(10) 104001 (2021)
・Telteu, C. E., Schmiedd, M. H., Thiery, W., Leng, G., Burek, P., Liu X., Boulange J., et al., “Understanding each other’s models: an introduction and a standard representation of 16 global water models to support intercomparison, improvement, and communication”, Geosci. Model Dev., 14(6), 3843–3878 (2021)
・Boulange J., Hanasaki N., Satoh Y., Yokohata T., Shiogama H., Burek P., Thiery W., Gerten D., et al., “Validity of estimating flood and drought characteristics under equilibrium climates from transient simulations”, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (10) 104028 (2021)
・Boulange, J., Hanasaki, N., Yamazaki, D., Pokhrel, Y., “Role of dams in reducing global flood exposure under climate change,” Nature Communications, 12 (2021)
・Kassaye, K. T., Boulange, J., Tu, L. H., Saito, H., Watanabe, H., “Soil water content and soil temperature modeling in a vadose zone of Andosol under temperate monsoon climate”, Geoderma, 384, 114797 (2021)
・Kassaye, K. T., Boulange, J., Lam, V. T., Saito, H., Watanabe, H., “Monitoring soil water content for decision supporting in agricultural water management based on critical threshold values adopted for Andosol in the temperate monsoon climate”, Agricultural Water Management, 229, 105930 (2020)
・Boulange, J., Malhat, F., Jaikaew, P., Nanko, K., Watanabe, H., “Portable rainfall simulator for plot-scale investigation of rainfall-runoff, and transport of sediment and pollutants”, International Journal of Sediment Research 34(1), 38–47 (2019)
・Kassaye, K. T., Boulange, J., Saito, H., Watanabe, H., “Calibration of capacitance sensor for Andosol under field and laboratory conditions in the temperate monsoon climate”, Soil and Tillage Research, 189, 52–63 (2019)
・Liu, X., Tang, Q., Liu, W., Veldkamp, T. I., Boulange, J., Liu, J., Wada, Y., Huang, Z., Yang, H., “A Spatially Explicit Assessment of Growing Water Stress in China From the Past to the Future”, Earth’s Future, 7(9), 1027–1043 (2019)
・Boulange, J., Hanasaki, N., Veldkamp, T., Schewe, J., Shiogama, H., “Magnitude and robustness associated with the climate change impacts on global hydrological variables for transient and stabilized climate states”, Environmental Research Letters, 13(6) 064017 (2018)
・Boulange, J., Malhat, F., Thuyet, D. Q., Watanabe, H., “PCPF-M model for simulating the fate and transport of pesticides and their metabolites in rice paddy field”, Pest Management Science, 73, 2429–2438 (2017)





